California Franchise Tax Board

People who live in California, surely know California Franchise Tax Board. California Franchise Tax Board (FTB) is part of the California State and Consumer Services Agency. California Franchise Tax Board collects state personal income tax and corporate income tax.

The California Franchise Tax Board's board is composed of the California State Controller, the director of the California Department of Finance, and the chair of the California Board of Equalization. The executive officer of the Franchise Tax Board is the chief administrative official.

At their website, they claim that they are responsible for administering two of California's major tax programs: Personal Income Tax and the Corporation Tax. California Franchise Tax Board also have responsibility for administering other nontax programs and delinquent debt collection functions, including delinquent vehicle registration debt collections on behalf of the Department of Motor Vehicles, court–ordered debt, and Industrial Health and Safety assessments.

At California Franchise Tax Board website, you can get information about FTB at a Glance, Mission and Statement of Principles, Careers at the Franchise Tax Board, Reports, Plans & Statistics, and Awards and recognition.

And for you who want to know who are California Franchise Tax Board, you also can read the link about Board Member Biographies - Taxpayers in California have a voice in the makeup of the Franchise Tax Board, electing two of its three members, Executive Staff Biographies, Management Team Directory, Organization Chart, Executive Level Promotions and New Assignments, Retirements. So, don't hesitate to visit California Franchise Tax Board website.
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